so~ now i know what should i do...
with my new year feeling~ i should chill up~
actually i want to write something about my tragic story~
it's not too tragic actually~ hehe

but everyone say that love is something that came without plan...
it's not a problem when i fall in love.., but after a few year i don't fell it, i came to me.......AGAIN..???
lepas aku break 2 tahun yang lepas aku hilang perasaan terhadap lelaki...
tapi bukan bermakna aku mengamalkan hidup songsang...(minta2 dijauhkan ler~)

its not her fault... and i will not blame her of cause...
tapi..., sebab aku nak jaga perasaan dia aku pula yang makan hati...
tapi...biar macam mana pun aku mesti meluahkan apa yang terpendam...
takut2 nanti ter"explode" pulak...hehe
so~ malam tadi.....(bukan ler malam sangat...pukul 3 pagi gtu) aku terpaksa meluahkan dengan senior aku yang sorang nie...hehe... not because he really close to me.., but i trust him and i know that he can help me~
he really help me~~~
his word~ really touch my feeling... just like my brother~ (even i dont have brother)
he told me that i should accept that guy~
tapi aku takut melukakan perasaan kawan aku tu~
and he told me like this~
"you should take a chill pill.., drink 1 glass mineral water.., glurpp!!! dont think too much~ just chill up~
focus on your study...and maybe it not your best time for u. since you and your friend fall in love with a same guy~ but i think its the best time for u~ to close your eyes~its 5 already~ go to sleep~"
dah terlalu pagi rupa2nya...hehe
aku rasa lega sekarang...sangat membantu....

he just like a brother to me~ hehe...
so thats it for now~

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