December 24, 2013

a gift~

it a gift from a friend to me...
actually.., i really want it long time ago
but, i don't get it till now...
but now it not something that i buy for myself
it a gift~

a Christmas gift (perhaps~)..,even both of us don't celebrate it

a big thanks from me~
but, when i told my mom about it, she gave unexpected respond to me...
"this is not enough...tell your friend that i want more..."
just take it even it  not enough
at least you eat it...
again~ thanks...

study week

very exciting
my study week already started...
but.., i haven't study yet...
what should i do...
should i ask that question..?
no right..for sure i should study really smart...
want to see how i study..?
i'm not sure does it really seem like someone who study
but, what i know right now.., this is really my situation when i start to study...

really bad..right..?
but it reality...
it seem like someone try to making a mess...
but for me it a real situation when i study...
while listening korean music- Jay Park, tonight
waa...i don't know what i had read...
make me a bit dizzy~
whatever it is.., i shouldn't give up...
study and do your best...
u should make an improvement...

December 8, 2013

norma-norma kehidupan part2

as promised...

I resume my entry "norma-norma kehidupan"
I feel a bit dizzy when I try to understand other
but I'm not sure does others think what I have think...

actually, something happend last night...
something that never happen before
I really don't know why
but what I really know right now is I felt really weird.

someone make something worse..,
really worse...
and right now I really don't know how to fix it...
I really know that we are different
but differences between us suppose to be complete each other
not blame others...

and for now I really want to throw it really far,
because I don't have time for it,
and I want to release it...

daddy's birthday

syukur di panjatkan kehadrat Ilahi....
sebab hari nie my daddy's birthday~
waaa..... walaupun dah meningkat usia tapi masih sihat...
actually.., i've forgot...
but my mom reminded me last night...
i'm sorry because too many thing to do, sampai lupa...
apa2 pun, i've to say happy birthday to him...
even i don't have any present yet...hehe...
here.., like daddy like daughter...

December 6, 2013

norma-norma kehidupan

hari ini..., sungguh cerah tanpa bicara...
waktu ini, tanganku bergerak lagi untuk mencoret sedikit...
jiwang pulakkk...
new entry...
"norma-norma kehidupan"
macam aneh je kan...
tapi tu la yang aku mau cakap...

everything start here......
i really don't know how...
tapi.., semenjak kebelakangan ni terlalu banyak kerja yang perlu disiapkan.,
even I realized it, but now i spend a few minutes to write something...
something that i store too long...
semenjak dah masuk sem 3 ni... dah xde mase nak mencoret...

when i have a task to do something.., for sure i have to collaborate with other...
semakin banyak orang yang aku jumpa, semakin aku mengetahui kehidupan sebenar mereka...
it attract me to know something that we will not learn at school or university...
really interesting...
but.., at the same time it will kill me from inside...
something that we can called it "silent killer"...

this time i have to stop here...
i don't have enough time to write something about what are "silent killer"
for sure i will continue it next time~

November 24, 2013

try to understand

for 1001 times., I try to understand your behaviour...
honestly, you are not the only person who have a heart that I have to care...
the way you act.., the way you behave.., really different from the way you talk...
you are someone that always told me to understand others...
but, the way you act are really different
you are not someone that really understand other
you are someone that always complain about others
so tired to stand beside you
sulk all over the times
make me annoyed!!!

October 29, 2013

without the words

terlalu lama aku hilang tanpa kata walau terlalu banyak yang ingin diperkatakan...
pahit manis kehidupan yang dilalui memberi pengalaman untuk mematangkan aku...
the last beautiful word in my mind...
i really don't know how to start...

but for sure it start from the first time I went to this semester..,
it began nicely..,
a few week later a got an emergency call from my mother..,
she told me that my cousin already pass away..,
she only 5 years..
at that time I don't know why and I don't want to ask...
it will make me really sad..
she is the first person who called me "mom"
even i'm not someone that give her birth...

a week passed really fast...
October 12, we already got our sem break..,
really excited to see my home...
I planned to take a bus at oct 12, because that friday I have a class till 5pm..,
but.., again my mother message me..
"why don't you take a bus this evening.., aunt really sick"
without thinking anything, I have escape that evening class..,
we go to my mother village that saturday..,
the first time I saw my aunt, my tears fall without words..,
I really don't want my aunt see my tears and I make myself strong...
go beside her and talk...
"who are you..?" she ask me...
again i felt want to cry.., but I have to be strong to make she strong...
"angah" I answer softly...
the moment she heard my name she start to cry...

I told to her.., I came here to take care of you...
she didn't answer me...

I start to take a really good care of her at that moment and I really hope that she will get well..,
even the doctor said that really small percentage for her to get really well..,
we don't care what the doctor want to said..,
he can told us anything that he want to but my duties is to told my aunt to be strong..,
only strength can make she still survive...
on monday's morning at 6.30 am.., she like to spoke up but her voice is too soft and anyone can't heard what she want to speak..,
my mom try to wake me up because she want to gave her breakfast..,
my aunt only want me to feed her for that last 3 days...
but.., unfortunatly, she doesn't want...
my cousin and I start to pray and read yassin for her to make her destiny easier...
Zohor is coming up and we sholat by rotation..,
at 12.55pm.., she confirmed passed away............................................................

aku harap roh beliau ditempatkan bersama orang2 yang soleh...

August 19, 2013

pesanan ikhlas


. Kiamat menurut Agama Islam di tandai dgn:

- Kemunculan Imam Mahdi

- Kemunculan Dajjal

- Turunnya Nabi Isa (AS)

- Kemunculan Yakjuj dan Makjuj

- Terbitnya matahari dari Barat ke Timur

- Pintu pengampunan akan ditutup

- Dab'bat al-Ard akan keluar dari tanah & akan menandai muslim yang sebenar2nya

- Kabut selama 40 Hari akan mematikan semua orang beriman sejati shg mereka tidak perlu mengalami tanda2 kiamat lainnya

- Sebuah kebakaran besar akan menyebabkan kerosakan

- Pemusnahan/runtuhnya Kabah

- Tulisan dalam Al-Quran akan lenyap

- Sangkakala akan ditiup pertama kalinya membuat semua makhluk hidup merasa bimbang dan ketakutan

- Tiupan sangkakala yang kedua kalinya akan membuat semua makhluk hidup mati 
dan yg ketiga yang membuat setiap makhluk hidup bangkit kembali

Nabi MUHAMMAD SAW telah bersabda: "Barang siapa yg mengingatkan ini kepada orang lain, akan Ku buatkan tempat di syurga baginya pada hari penghakiman kelak"

Kita boleh kirim ribuan bbm mesra, promote, bc yang terlalu penting tapi bila kirim yang berkaitan dengan ibadah mesti berpikir 2x.

Allah berfirman : "jika engkau lebih mengejar duniawi daripada mengejar dekat denganKu maka Aku berikan,
tapi Aku akan menjauhkan kalian dari syurgaKu"

Itulah yg dimaksud dajjal yg bermata satu:
ertinya hanya mmikirkan duniawi drpda akhirat. 

Kerugian meninggalkn solat: 
Subuh: Cahaya wajah akan pudar. 
Zuhur: Berkat pendapatan akan hilang.
Asar: Kesihatan mulai terganggu. Maghrib: Pertolongan anak akan jauh di akhirat nanti. 

Isya': Kedamaian dlm tidur
sukar didapatkan. 
Sebarkan dgn ikhlas. tiada paksaan dalam agama Niatkan ibadah(sebarkan ilmu walau 1 ayat)

Nasihat Kubur:

1). Aku adalah tempat yg paling gelap di antara yg gelap, maka terangilah .. aku dengan TAHAJUD

2). Aku adalah tempat yang paling sempit, maka luaskanlah aku dengan ber SILATURAHIM. ..

3). Aku adalah tempat yang paling sepi maka ramaikanlah aku dengan perbanyak baca AL-QUR'AN.

4). Aku adalah tempatnya binatang2 yang menjijikan maka racunilah ia dengan Amal SEDEKAH,

5). Aku yg menyepitmu hingga hancur bilamana tidak Solat, bebaskan sempitan itu dengan SOLAT

6). Aku adalah tempat utk merendammu dg cairan yg sangat amat sakit, bebaskan rendaman itu dgn PUASA..

7). Aku adalah tempat Munkar & Nakir bertanya, maka Persiapkanlah jawapanmu dengan Perbanyak mengucapkan Kalimah "LAILAHAILALLAH"

Kirim ini semampumu dan seikhlasmu kepada sesama Muslim, sampaikanlah walau hanya pada 1 org..
Karena, saat kamu membawa Al-Qur'an, setan biasa2 saja. Saat kamu membukanya, syaitan mulai curiga. Saat kamu membacanya, ia gelisah. Saat kamu mmahaminya, ia kejang2. Saat kamu mengamalkan Al-Qur'an dlm kehidupan shari-hari, ia stroke. Trus n trus baca & amalkan agar syaitan stroke semuanya juga jantungnya dan mati.
Ketika anda ingin menyebarkan .. ini, lagi2 syaitan pun mencegahnya.

Syaitan berbisik; "SUdahlaaaaaah tak payah di SEBARKAN, tak penting pown, BUANG MASA saja, tak mungkin akan di baca "...

Sekecil apapun amal ibadah, Allah SWT menghargainya puluhan kali ganda ..

Ø Ada 3 Hal dlm hidup yg tidak boleh kembali : 
1. Waktu 2. Kata-kata 3. Kesempatan

Ø Ada 3 Hal yg dapat menghancurkan hidup seseorg : 
1. Kemarahan 2. Keangkuhan 3. Dendam

Ø Ada 3 Hal yg tidak boleh hilang : 
1. Harapan 2. Keikhlasan 3. Kejujuran

Ø Ada 3 Hal yg paling berharga : 
1. Kasih Sayang 2. Cinta 3. Kebaikan

Ø Ada 3 Hal dlm hidup yg tidak pernah pasti : 
1. Kekayaan 2. Kejayaan 3. Mimpi

Ø Ada 3 Hal yg membentuk watak seseorg : 
1. Komitmen 2. Ketulusan 3. Kerja keras

Ø Ada 3 Hal yg membuat kita sukses :
1. Tekad 2. Kemahuan 3. Fokus

Ø Ada 3 Hal yg tidak pernah kita tahu :
1. Rezeki 2. Umur 3. Jodoh

ada 3 Hal dalam hidup yg PASTI :
1. Tua 2. Sakit 3. Kematian.

Ya اﻟﻠّﻪ , sahabatku yg membaca ini adalah sahabat yg soleh, kuat, sabar, pengasih & penyayang -maka sayangilah dia serta kasihilah dia, bantulah dia meningkatkan taraf kehidupannya, murahkan rezekinya, sihatkan tubuh badannya. 

feel weird~

sometimes i feel weird..really weird...
previously~ i had a conversation with someone...

dia : aku nak cakap ckit bleh x..? (with a hopeful face...)
aku : umm~ (with nodding)
dia : kadang2 aku rasa aku tidak dihargai la~
aku : napa pula... (a bit blur~)
dia : iya la.., kalo diorang buat keputusan tak pernah tanya aku pun... aku nie macam merurut kata diorang je walaupun sebenarnya aku pun nak bagi pendapat aku least tanya la aku nie nak ke tak...boleh ke tak~
aku : ow~ (xtau mau cakap apa...)
dia : nie yang aku malas nak cakap kat respond!
aku : (just think did i have to respond more..?)

it just a conversation, right?
maybe.., dia nak meluahkan perasaan je kot...
i just think about it right now
because.., dia buat benda yang sama kat aku~
make a decision without seeking my opinion...
apa yang dia fikirkan ow~
weird right...
sebab tu aku malas mau cakap banyak
takut2 apa yang aku cakap kena kat diri sendiri
but right now i just let it be~
try to forgive and forget~

August 8, 2013

my birthday

it's my birthday again..???'s seem soo fast
it's look like i just celebrate my birthday yesterday...
nothing much have been changed...
perhaps i'm prettier~
even my age have add one year more but i'm still who am i
but it's seem many experience that make me more matured.... perhaps~
due to the birthday falls on a day before eid day so a bit busy right now
but it's ok
hujan rahmat di pagi hari~ <-- mcm xde kaitan plak...hehe

August 2, 2013

shopping... for eid day...
so many people at mall or even so hard to find parking...
not too shopping actually.., just to accompany my mom buying some goods and foods for eid day..
try to find something interesting for myself but want i get?
dizzy only..seeing the other people buzy with themselves, i'm buzy with myself too...
nothing interesting...felt bored~
finally reach at section that I shouldn't go...
baby stuff~
i really don't know why i should go there...
but i find something that i want to buy...
really cute...
and~~~ I really buy it just for fun... ^_^
for Qisya~

July 29, 2013

cucur kurma perisa pandan

ramadhan nie mesti famous cucur kurma kan...
nie just nak kongsi resepi baru yang aku saje nak keluarkan sendiri...
pernah dengar x..???
saje la aku cuba yang baru kan...
hari-hari ade je demand dari my dad untuk masak cucur kurma tu...
walaupun aku nie bukan le pandai masak...cuma memandai je...
tapi..., demand cucur nie hari2 ada je time bulan ramadhoon nie... ^_^
nie lar hasil nya...

<--ayah lar yang akan merasa dulu...hehe

that's all...
hope the other will try new recipe at fasting month~

July 28, 2013

nuzul Quran

alhamdulillah dah lebih separuh bulan kite puasa...
sampai nuzul Quran dah...
nie nak cite ckit pasal nuzul Quran nie...

nuzul Quran nie peristiwa dimana turunnya ayat al-Quran yang pertama kepada Nabi Muhammad s.a.w sehingga seterusnya berperingkat-peringkat menjadi lengkap sebagaimana kitab al-Quran yang ada pada hari ini...Peristiwa nuzul al-Quran berlaku pada malam Jumaat, 17 Ramadhan, tahun ke-41 keputeraan Nabi Muhd s.a.w ketika baginda sedang beribadat di Gua Hira' bersamaan 6 Ogos 610M...

tu peristiwa zaman nabi dulu...tapi nie zaman sekarang... ^_^
malam tadi ada ustaz dari Gaza yag akan mengimamkan solat isya sekali Tarawih di Masjid Jamek Saratok...Ustaz Muneer Hamed namanya klo tak silap...muda lagi tu...baru 20 tahun umurnya...

masa solat isya tu.., macam biasa la...dia bacakan surah2...tapi cara dia mengalunkan tu sayu sangat...tersentuh hati dengar dia mengalunkan...sangat~ sedih~
terasa kerdil diri aku...rasa macam di Mekah pun ada...
bila la rasanya aku berkesempatan menjejakkan kaki di tempat yang paling suci tu kan...
tu pasal solat isya..

lepas je solat isya ada tazkirah nuzul Quran dari beliau...
ingatkan dia akan guna English untuk memudahkan komunikasi tapi mc tu cakap dia akan guna bahasa dia and ada student yang akan translate....wahhh....canggih la~

tu ja pasal nuzul Quran di Saratok~

July 18, 2013

coming home~

coming home...finish my 2nd sem~

actually.., already a couple day at home~
at that day~
feel impatient to reach home
happy but sad~
happy~ for sure because want to see my "home sweet home"
sad~ the way they sent me
just saying my opinion
"why don't send me tomorrow?"
just want to stay another night with them for this sem
unfortunately~ they silent without word
when i think about it again
for sure they don't want to
i just someone~
not somebody to them
just like a mosquito that interrupt their relationship
but a cute mosquito~ for sure... ^_^

i actually overheard them
be accidentally

i disagree with their reasons no money
i never ask them to pay for me.., for sure
hurmm ....
don't care whatever their reason
just send me today
if not, I can afford to take a taxi
resentment caused me gave them 50 dollars
crying for no reason
fortunately no one beside me
asleep ..., until it reaches home

July 9, 2013

ramadhan 1434H


hari nie first ramadhan kan...huhu...
best nya~
tapi ni lar 1st time bpuasa d UiTM...
pa2 pun....
selamat menunaikan ibadah anda semua~
ada last exam next sunday....
lepas tu mau balik terus lar~
lama dah x balik saratok....
miss saratok so much...
mau berpuasa di rumah jga...
my mom yang betul2 mau anak dia nie balik terus...
maklum.., cuti mid sem hari tu x balik...
terlalu banyak assignment...
petang ni mau pergi bazar di DI tu...
sama2 dengan housemate yang lain...
best nya~
astarfirullahhalazim~ mcm lain pula niat ni...hehe....
ikhlaskan hati mohon kemaafan leburlah dosa di tapak tangan lupakan segala silap dan salah~~~
ter-nyanyi pla~


June 24, 2013

study week...!!!

study week already started
for sure we have to study for our final exam
but.., what i am doing

searching for someone... ^_^
just for satisfy myself
<--- like this

even i know i will not know about you
at least i already try
but..., why so hard for me to find you...
anywhere and anytime~

try to find some information about you
but..., useless~
it's owkey dear....

sometimes just miss your cute face~
your face always stay with me when i stay up all night
and your face also give inspiration for me to study hard
so now i will start my lesson...........................................

June 14, 2013


of course not...
actually...someone ask me...

"did you feel alone because you don't have any special partner for a couple year?

i'm not sure how should i answer that question...
for sometimes......yes!
looked at my friends with someone that will take a good care of them..,
but if i think again....,no!!!
spring will not spring forever~
she ask me again...

"did you feel phobia with love?"

i really don't know...i just say that...."maybe~"

i know not all men are unfaithful...
but i do not know why i always found the person who will act deceitfully...

perhaps it His fate...
for me to make me stronger..,
maybe...and I hope so~

June 13, 2013

just for a while

i write this entry only for a few minutes~

i felt really longed to write...
but..., really busy right now
quizzes every day
assignments every week
make me really busy
but now i want to write just to satisfy myself... ^_^
just want to write what have i done this week~

start from monday...i have my speaking test for mandarin
tuesday.., quiz for office subject, presentation for TITAS and submit assignment for financial accaunt...
for wednesday..., i had missed my class for accaunt because over slept...hehe
and I have quiz for record management.., presentation and quiz for pengucapan awam...
for thursday.., it's not a heavy subject but at really make me stress with speed test for keyboarding...
and for friday I have quiz for administrative office management...
another day to go...
quiz on saturday..??? common test for record management....
long week for all my classmate have to go...
good luck to all...all the best~

May 28, 2013

for someone that I love

dear beloved,

I dedicate this entry special for you...,
I not sure when "love" come through me,
but really, I love all of housemate
maybe because we live at the same house 
and always spend our time together at our house
but in peace..,
I really don't like this kind of situation
as a housemate we should be understanding each other
helping each other when the other need
not scold each other when felt stress
as a student all of us felt stress
but we have to handle it efficiently
not scold the other in peace...

youngest sis~

May 26, 2013

pengucapan awam

pengucapan awam adalah salah satu dari subjek yang wajib bagi aku pada sem ini...
yang namanya wajib tu mesti la aku ambik dalam keadaan yang rela dipaksa,
hal ini kerana..., (che...mentang2 mau cakap pasal pengucapan awam kan...).........
aku ini totally bukan orang sastera yang nak bermadah kata...
this situation make me dizzy~
aku terpaksa banyak melakukan kajian macam2 untuk survive dalam subjek nie...
kajian la search ja pun...
urmmm..bukan subjek nie ja sebenarnya...
sebab cource aku nie memang dah sastera...,
so aku yang termasuk dalam nie terpaksa men"double"kan usaha aku...
bukan ja men"double".., sometimes aku terpaksa men"triple"kan usaha jaya aku nie...,
aku terhempas pulas menhafal term2 yang terlampau banyak dalam exam2 or quiz2...
kawan aku yang memang minatnya ke arah menghafal sekali hafal ja dah boleh mengalahkan aku...

aku tention!!!
walaubagaimanapun...(geli aku mendengar puitis nie...)
kami pun dipaksa ambik subjek accaunting...
dalam subjek ni aku lebih mudah nak faham...hehe...
yang nie ja aku suka tapi kawan aku tu menangis2 nak faham benda nie...

<--- macam nie~

baru korang tau macam mana susahnya aku mau hafal...
tapi......tak cukup!!!
nie satu ja..., yang lain tu....
<--- just sleep~

pesan cinta - afgan

merah pipi ini saat ku lihat dirinya
mungkinkah ini yang dinamakan cinta
malu hati ini saat ku tatap wajahnya
mungkinkah ini yang dinamakan cinta

tapi ku malu tuk menyatakan pada dirinya
oh Tuhan tolong aku sampaikan
pesan ini padanya
agar dia tahu bahwa kini
aku jatuh cinta
oh Tuhan bantu aku temukan
cara tuk mendapatkan dia
karna kini ku telah jatuh cinta

malu hati ini saat ku tatap wajahnya
mungkinkan ini yang dinamakan cinta
tapi ku malu tuk menyatakan pada dirinya
oh Tuhan tolong aku sampaikan
pesan ini padanya
agar dia tahu bahwa kini
aku jatuh cinta
oh Tuhan bantu aku temukan
cara tuk mendapatkan dia
karna kini ku telah jatuh cinta

tolong aku sampaikan pesan ini padanya
agar dia tahu bahwa kini
aku jatuh cinta
oh Tuhan bantu aku temukan
cara tuk mendapatkan dia
karna kini ku telah jatuh cinta
ku telah jatuh cinta...

when I start to study...???

our special leave had start!!! ^_^
actually the special leave already start a couple day ago...
this special leave special for who celebrate gawai~
I decided to stay at my rent house to finish all my assignment before I have to go for my daddy's convo...
but...this is my real study time~

I start my work with OSM455 which is Microsoft Office 2010 Introductory...

after a couple hour..., I get bored and decide to move to TITAS...

I'm not someone who like to read and already feel sleepy just for a few minutes~
 bye~'s weekend~

May 25, 2013

for emiardy...

this entry special for my friend... emiardy...
hahaha...just kidding...
but for real we did this only for him...
we have made a birthday party for him even it's already for a month...
it's ok as long as we remember it right...
we had buy a guitar for him...because he like to play it...
and he play it nicely... :)
this picture we took it yesterday night~

May 17, 2013

Friday May, 17 2013

May 17, 2013........
just a date...for some people..., yes...
but for me...more that a date...
date that makes my heart crumble...
not love owkey because I don't have couple~ but friendship integrate due....har...har...har...
aku ingatkan bila aku kurang menyampuk orang akan hormat aku..
macam aku hormat diorang jgak...tapi......................................................
now..., what happen..???
someone told me that something happened for a reason...
yes...I admit it...but for what reason I always be scolded...??

I told that when I've helped you, you will appreciate it...
I don't expect you to thank but at least when I don't complete your work you will do it by yourself...
but now.., what told me that I want to sabotage you..???
it's doesn't make sense~
I did all that with a willing heart to help you~
but what do you gave to me...???
really disappointing.....................

May 1, 2013

another new month~

welcome to another new month...
yesterday.., all labor at Malaysia celebrate Labor day~
Happy Labor day to all labor at Msia...

as a malaysian... i also celebrate it...hehe...although i'm a student...
but..., it doesn't mean that i can celebrate it without doing anything...
soooo many thing that i should do!!!!
i need somebody to help me...
next i have 2 assignment that should be done...
yes...ONLY 2!!!
one is another html assignment with 3 pages and another one is 3 research papers~
that 2 assignment i should submit next week!!!
and i have 2 quizzes tomorrow!!!
how am i going to handle it!!!
STRESS!!! <-- just like kang gary~ hehe
i need to be strong~
when we stress~

that all~

April 25, 2013

when classes were canceled~

want to know what to do when classes were canceled..???
this is what my friends and i will do if our classes were canceled~
just want to share our naughty time

just trying~

nie aku buat time2 aku ke-pening-an kepala aku nie...
not much and not that good...
just trying something that already installed at my laptop...
so.., this is the result~

<--this is my parent

<--it's me!!!