December 24, 2013

a gift~

it a gift from a friend to me...
actually.., i really want it long time ago
but, i don't get it till now...
but now it not something that i buy for myself
it a gift~

a Christmas gift (perhaps~)..,even both of us don't celebrate it

a big thanks from me~
but, when i told my mom about it, she gave unexpected respond to me...
"this is not enough...tell your friend that i want more..."
just take it even it  not enough
at least you eat it...
again~ thanks...

study week

very exciting
my study week already started...
but.., i haven't study yet...
what should i do...
should i ask that question..?
no right..for sure i should study really smart...
want to see how i study..?
i'm not sure does it really seem like someone who study
but, what i know right now.., this is really my situation when i start to study...

really bad..right..?
but it reality...
it seem like someone try to making a mess...
but for me it a real situation when i study...
while listening korean music- Jay Park, tonight
waa...i don't know what i had read...
make me a bit dizzy~
whatever it is.., i shouldn't give up...
study and do your best...
u should make an improvement...

December 8, 2013

norma-norma kehidupan part2

as promised...

I resume my entry "norma-norma kehidupan"
I feel a bit dizzy when I try to understand other
but I'm not sure does others think what I have think...

actually, something happend last night...
something that never happen before
I really don't know why
but what I really know right now is I felt really weird.

someone make something worse..,
really worse...
and right now I really don't know how to fix it...
I really know that we are different
but differences between us suppose to be complete each other
not blame others...

and for now I really want to throw it really far,
because I don't have time for it,
and I want to release it...

daddy's birthday

syukur di panjatkan kehadrat Ilahi....
sebab hari nie my daddy's birthday~
waaa..... walaupun dah meningkat usia tapi masih sihat...
actually.., i've forgot...
but my mom reminded me last night...
i'm sorry because too many thing to do, sampai lupa...
apa2 pun, i've to say happy birthday to him...
even i don't have any present yet...hehe...
here.., like daddy like daughter...

December 6, 2013

norma-norma kehidupan

hari ini..., sungguh cerah tanpa bicara...
waktu ini, tanganku bergerak lagi untuk mencoret sedikit...
jiwang pulakkk...
new entry...
"norma-norma kehidupan"
macam aneh je kan...
tapi tu la yang aku mau cakap...

everything start here......
i really don't know how...
tapi.., semenjak kebelakangan ni terlalu banyak kerja yang perlu disiapkan.,
even I realized it, but now i spend a few minutes to write something...
something that i store too long...
semenjak dah masuk sem 3 ni... dah xde mase nak mencoret...

when i have a task to do something.., for sure i have to collaborate with other...
semakin banyak orang yang aku jumpa, semakin aku mengetahui kehidupan sebenar mereka...
it attract me to know something that we will not learn at school or university...
really interesting...
but.., at the same time it will kill me from inside...
something that we can called it "silent killer"...

this time i have to stop here...
i don't have enough time to write something about what are "silent killer"
for sure i will continue it next time~